
file-tail | RubyGems.org

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Debian Ruby Team ruby-file

This is a small ruby library that allows it to tail files in Ruby, including following a file, that still is growing like the unix command 'tail -f' can.

Reading the last n lines of a file in Ruby?

There is a library for Ruby called File::Tail. This can get you the last N lines of a file just like the UNIX tail utility.


For developers, see FileWatch::Watch and FileWatch::Tail. Tested on Linux/x86_64 and Solaris. All operating systems should be supported.


This Library is similar to Perl's File::Tail. It can be used to extend Ruby's File-objects, as mixin for own File-derived classes, or by using the included ...

File::Tail for Ruby 使用指南原创

File::Tail 是一个简洁的Ruby 库,它使开发者能够在Ruby 环境中实现类似Unix 命令 tail -f 的功能,即跟踪并读取仍在增长的日志文件或文本文件。通过这个库, ...

Implementing tail command in Ruby

The tail command provides another way of reading a file. Instead of specifying the number of lines, it lets you set the number of bytes to read ...

A ruby script to run tail on a log file?

I want to write a ruby script that read from a config file that will have filenames, and then when I run the script it will take the tail of each file and ...

florifile-tail: File::Tail for Ruby

This is a small ruby library that allows it to tail files in Ruby, including following a file, that still is growing like the unix command 'tail -f' can.


RubyGems.orgistheRubycommunity'sgemhostingservice.Instantlypublishyourgemsandtheninstallthem.UsetheAPItofindoutmoreabout ...,ThisisasmallrubylibrarythatallowsittotailfilesinRuby,includingfollowingafile,thatstillisgrowingliketheunixcommand'tail-f'can.,ThereisalibraryforRubycalledFile::Tail.ThiscangetyouthelastNlinesofafilejustliketheUNIXtailutility.,Fordevelopers,seeFileWatch::WatchandFileWatch...